BCCA Niagara Third Annual Fall Trade Show
BCCA Niagara recently held their annual Fall Trade Show in Welland, Ontario at the Sacred Heart Church Hall. It was a new location for our club’s trade show, and it turned out to be a great success. Thank’s to all BCCA Niagara members who turned up to set up the hall and after the show return the hall to the way we found it. It was a very successful day with a record amount of walk-in’s and we will definitely build on our success going forward!!!
Cheers to everyone who made it out to our show and helped us in any way!!!
Welland Museum Trade Show
Recently BCCA Niagara held a small Trade Show at the Welland Museum. It turn out to be a small show table wise, but it turn out to be a great draw of people into the show and museum. Welland Museum staff where thrilled with the turn out and very glad it was such a successful show. Here a are a few pictures from Welland.
BCCA Niagara recently held their first spring Trade Show at Niagara College ‘Armoury Pub’. Thanks to everyone who made the effort to get out to our show and we look forward to next year growing even bigger then this years show.....
Thanks again
BCCA Niagara
Lots of things happening with BCCA Niagara......... Come out and be part of the fun we have.
We feel it went pretty well for our first show, and would like to ” Thank” everyone who came out to support us.
BCCA NIAGARA first annual trade show has now come and gone. We feel it went pretty well for our first show, and would like to ” Thank” everyone who came out to support us. It meant a lot to BCCA Niagara members that so many people showed up to support us at our first show. Thanks to all of our American Friends as well, who took the time to travel to Welland to support us, and rent tables to sell there collectibles. Here are some pictures of the show, and once again on behalf of BCCA Niagara and all its members Thanks for coming out to support us at our first show.